You know how to create whatever you put your mind to. When you stick to something, success is inevitable. Serving the greater good, you yourself are rewarded in abundance as well. And you allow yourself to enjoy that experience.
Most importantly… you realize it’s not just about you.
Our world needs change. Business is powerful. It created health, wealth and happiness in many ways. But we can blame it for massive unsustainable side effects as well.
Most people believe business is bad.
The truth is, conscious business is a force for good.
You’re the one with the positive perspective. You see the greatness in everyone, even when they fail to see it themselves. It makes people feel everything is possible.
But your gift comes with a dark side as well. Infinite opportunities create overwhelm. It forces you to decide what’s true for you. And that can be difficult, because you see the up-side in everything.
If this sounds familiar, read on.

My name is Patrick.
I have a track record of success in business:
I tailored the online identity for a travel agency, helping them grow from € 15 to 200 million in revenue. Pre-sold and built business metric software for top 10 real estate agencies. And I made learning more fun and effective, creating the design strategy for a popular school app.
I love serving people with impact, and it made me explore many different fields. But to be really honest, I questioned myself many times along the way. I felt scattered.
Sometimes it’s difficult to explain what you’re doing, when all you know is: it just feels right. Sometimes you might not even understand it yourself. Until afterwards, when it all made sense. It’s obvious in hindsight.
Trusting your gut is your biggest gift. You become really good at it.
The problem is, a mind creating infinite possibilities is a mind creating infinite thoughts as well. It clouds your intuition.
Yes, you’ll find your answers, but it feels soooooo sloooooow.
At first, you think you just need distance from your thoughts to find clarity. To uncover the right perspective on a situation. The one that resonates. The one that feels like the truth. Because with that clarity you can make your decisions.
The truth is, you can instantly find that clarity yourself. And when you have it, decision making becomes just effortless. You instantly know where to go.
I became an expert in finding that clarity. And my mission is to help you find yours. So together we can have more impact and save the world, with powerful conscious business.
I’ve got your back.
So if deep down you know you can have an even greater impact than you already do, you and I should have a conversation.
Patrick Plaggenborg
Coaching remarkable leaders creating our future
Get in touch by calling or texting me: +31 6 2550 2194
Or drop me an email: